
IR news

    Financial Data


    Presentation Materials

    Company Introduction

    Mid-term Management Plan

    Corporate Governance

    Basic Philosophy on Corporate Governance

    One of our basic policies is to carry out our corporate activities with the aim of being a company that is respected and loved by all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers and employees. To achieve that, we have positioned earning the trust of stakeholders and sound corporate management as important issues and we are working to realize good corporate governance.

    Annual Report / Integrated Report

    ESG information index

    Disclosure Policy

    1. Disclosure Standard

    We disclose our corporate information in a timely and proper manner according to legal disclosure requirements based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and other laws and according to timely disclosure requirements based on the Securities Listing Regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We also fairly and promptly disclose significant information that may be considered as influential to investment judgment even in cases where the information is out of the scope of the legal and timely disclosure requirements.
    We will not disclose personal information, customer information and information that will infringe on the rights of stakeholders.

    2. Method of Disclosure

    We disclose information required by the timely disclosure regulations through TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and also release information to the press immediately. Information that is disclosed on TDnet or by other means is also promptly posted on our website.

    3. Quiet Period

    In order to ensure fairness to every investor and prevent leakage of account information, we have defined the quiet period as the time starting from the day after the final day of each corresponding quarter until the day of our earnings announcement. During this period, we will refrain from responding to or making comments on questions related to our account settlement and earnings forecast. However, if a large discrepancy from the earnings forecast is found in the quiet period, information will be appropriately disclosed following the Timely Disclosure Rules.

    4. Forward-looking statements

    Our disclosed information includes forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements reflect information available at the time it was disclosed. Actual results and future developments may differ materially due to a wide range of possible reasons.

    Analyst Coverage

    Corporate name Analyst
    Ichiyoshi Research Institute Inc. Masatoshi Nagata
    IwaiCosmo Securities Co., Ltd. Shoichi Arisawa
    CLSA Securities David Dong
    Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. Masao Yoshida
    Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Takahiro Mori
    Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Motoya Kohtani


    This list is compiled based on available information obtained by our company and on our standards. Therefore, please note that there may be analysts who are not included in this list and that some information may not be the latest.

    Analysts on this list and those excluded provide analysis and forecasts regarding our business, performance, and technology based on their own judgment. Our company or our management are not involved in any of those processes and we do not support nor endorse these forecasts, opinions, and recommendations by analysts.

    We request for your understanding that final investment decisions are to be made at your own responsibility and discretion.

    Ratings and Corporate Bonds



    Rating Agency Issuer Rating Rating Outlook
    Rating & Investment Information, Inc.​ A- Stable


    Name of bonds Issue Date Issue Amount(mn) Interest rate Years Maturity Date
    Menicon Co., Ltd.1st Unsecured Straight Bonds(with inter-bond pari passu clause) Apr.21,2022 JPY 15,000 0.560% per annum 10 Apr.21,2032
    Menicon Co., Ltd.2nd Unsecured Straight Bonds(with inter-bond pari passu clause) Apr.20,2023 JPY 20,000 1.280% per annum 10 Apr.20,2033
    Menicon Co., Ltd.3rd Unsecured Straight Bonds(with inter-bond pari passu clause) Oct.18.2024 JPY 10,000 0.964% per annum 5 Oct.18.2029

    IR Calendar


    • Announcement of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter.

    • Announcement of Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter.

    • Announcement of Financial Results for the 1st Quarter.

    • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    • Announcement of Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2024

    Contact IR

    Menicon Co., Ltd.

    Corporate Planning & Controlling Dept. Finance & IR Team.

    Menicon Co., Ltd.

    21-19, Aoi 3, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0006 Japan

    Tel +81-(0)52-935-1515

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